
She's exhausted

She's burnt out

She's tired of the constant criticism.

She wears all the hats,

From maid

To personal chef

To chauffeur

To therapist

To at home nurse.

She's exhausted.

Her body aches

Her mind never shuts off

She feels frazzled

She feels like she's about to break

She feels as though she is not good enough.

She yearns to be cared for and she wants a rest.

She tries so hard to be Super Mom with a smile on her face.

Taking care of everyone else, except herself. Always putting herself, her needs, her desires last.

Feeling like she's disappointing everyone around her.

I get it, because I've been where you are.


Take a deep breath. God's got you in the palm of his hand. He is here to cloak you in his strength and love. And your get to give yourself grace today.

Finding balance in the midst of chaos can be a thing that's scoffed at by many. Do, do, do. Be, be, be. Go, go, go.

But you are human, it is okay to rest. It's okay to want more out of life. It's okay.

The next 3 weeks, we will be working through creating peace among the chaos. We will be doing life together, to remind you that you are not alone. We will be nourishing our bodies and truly filling up your glass first!!

This is


Early bird is open until Monday January 24th then prices go up. We begin February 1st.

Kailee Holbert-Legg

Iā€™m a Postpartum & Bereavement Doula specializing in Pre & Post-Natal Holistic Wellness, helping mothers and fathers create their village in harmonious whole health amidst the busyness of parenthood. Serving mothers and families worldwide, I am dedicated to providing the utmost tender love and nurturing care via doula support and holistic nutrition.

5 Tips for a Healthy Kitchen


What is Holistic Living?