Pre & Post-Natal Holistic Nutritional Support

Serving Mothers and Families Worldwide

Private Nutritional Care

As an expecting and new mama, your body is constantly changing and adapting to the needs of your little one. And the best way to nurture your little one is by first nurturing you. Working 1:1 with Kailee, your nutritional care is tailored specifically to you. Offering different 1:1 support options including 3 months, 9 months, and 12 months. Click HERE to schedule your free 20 minute consultation call!

Programs & Workshops

Study at your own pace programs along with both virtual and live in-person workshops, this support is designed to offer you basis nutritional support as mothers and fathers, supporting the family holistically as a whole.

Click HERE to learn more about our programs.

Click HERE for more information about upcoming workshops in your area.


As an expecting and new mama, your body is constantly changing and adapting to the needs of your little one. And the best way to nurture your little one is by first nurturing you. Working 1:1 with Kailee in a fast paced, action packed intensive, your Wellness care is tailored specifically to you as you get back on track with your our wellbeing and back to living. Offering different 1:1 support options including 90 minutes, 7 days, or 30 days. Click HERE to schedule your Intensive