3 Myths About Pregnancy and Food

When it comes to Pregnancy and Food, there are three misconceptions.

Myth 1
You are eating for two.

Myth 2
You have to be on a rigorous diet.

Myth 3
You can eat whatever you want.

Stay with me, Mama!

Pregnancy is a time to focus on eating healthy, organic and taking care of YOU. This time is crucial for baby development.

While it's NOT a time to eat whatever you want and as much as you want, yes you increase your caloric intake, but we are focusing on healthy fats, healthy sugars, healthy carbohydrates.

And while it’s NOT a time to be on a rigorous diet, we are focusing on nurturing ourselves and the development of our baby.

You are growing a tiny human inside you. This time is a beautiful moment in time to pause, to breathe and know that your pregnancy is such a miracle and blessing!

Foods to completely AVOID

  1. Alcohol and caffeine. Including soda and coffee. We obviously know about alcohol, but excess coffee and soda is harming development as well as your health with the acidicity and refined sugar.

  2. ALL deli meats. Deli meats contains carcinogenic components called nitrates and nitrites that will hinder your baby’s proper development.

  3. Dairy and processed foods. While dairy is incredibly inflammatory and can not only decrease your immune system, but also your baby’s, you also want to avoid processed foods. More fresh fruits and veggies, preferably organic to avoid any pesticides and insecticides.

Foods to ADD

  1. 100 oz water daily. Hydration is key, which will aid in avoiding gestational diabetes.

  2. MORE fresh fruit & veggies. These contain natural sugars and all have different properties such as antioxidants and helps to reduce free radicals in your body.

  3. Olive oils & Avocados. Healthy fats contain DHA which is crucial for your baby’s brain development.

  4. Chicken & Salmon. Again, these are lean, healthy fats which aid in brain development. Please note, it is recommended only 1 serving of salmon every 1-2 months during pregnancy because there may be trace levels of mercury. Make sure any type of fish you eat is wild caught and the chicken is free range, which will ensure reduction of any type of steroid and antibiotic exposure.

While these foods are important DURING Pregnancy, they are also important during the Breastfeeding months as well as crucial for any Mama who is in the Planning stages!

What myth have you believed was true? Let me know in the comments here on this post or come share with us inside The Nurtured Mama Community!

PS- Mama, are you ready to fall in love with taking care of YOU and remove habits that are no longer serving you? Come join me for the next 5 weeks, inside my signature program, NOURISH, where you’ll receive weekly meal plans and daily support! Click HERE to enroll!!

Kailee Holbert-Legg

I’m a Holistic Lifestylist specializing in Women’s Wellness as well as a Postpartum & Bereavement Doula helping mothers and fathers create their village through harmonious whole health and healing amidst the busyness of parenthood. Serving women, mothers and families worldwide, I am dedicated to providing the utmost tender love and nurturing care via doula support and holistic nutrition.


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