5 Ways to Increase Your Energy Now

Hey Mama,

The winter blues have been hitting us in our home, not being able to get outside everyday in the fresh air has been a bit upsetting. Between the snow storms and ice storms and wind chills below zero degrees, it’s been challenging to get outside like we usually do.

We’ve been extra snuggly, which Im definitely not complaining about! Some days I allow the stress of our personal circumstances happening behind the scenes here at NWC overwhelm me and feeling irritable and just drained. As a toddler mom, that’s my sign of needing a change around here! What better way than to do this together?!

Today I want to share my top tips on increasing your energy right now, to go throughout your day feeling more patient and energized! Let’s kick the fatigue and irritability and icky feelings to the curb!!

  1. Water, water, water! Aim to drink 100oz daily. Hydration aids in healing your body and when your body is able to begin to detox and heal, your energy increases and your mood increases!!

  2. Fresh air. Bundle up and go for a 5 minute walk. Simply going on a short walk outside will help your body activate vitamin D production and leaves you feeling refreshed from sitting inside all day.

  3. Move your body. When your body is in a fight or flight mode of the daily stress of life and when you are living a sedentary lifestyle, your body begins to break down and deplete its energy stores by activating your body’s hybernation mode. It’s a little crazy to think about, but stress and sedentary living lowers your immune system on all levels. Get up and get your blood pumping for even 30 minutes a day!

  4. Eat a salad. As mundane or demanding as this sounds, the more fresh fruits, veggies, and dark leafy green salads you are incorporating into your lifestyle, you are fueling your body with healing nutrients in fighting inflammation.

  5. Supplemental support. Supplemental support can be helpful. I recommend finding a good quality multivitamin, vitamin B, vitamin D, and taking a good quality probiotic. The probiotic will aid in gut health. (I’ll be sharing more about supplements and what we specifically are taking to also boost our immune systems.)

The more you focus on healing your body and healing any inflammation (which can be seen as fatigue, migraines, joint aches, & irritability), and the more you focus on filling up your glass (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing) the more energy and patience you will begin to notice!

Let me know in the comments which tip helped you most! Don’t forget to check in with us inside The Nutured Mama!

PS- NOURISH begins tomorrow, Monday February 21st, 2022!! We’ll see you inside!

Kailee Holbert-Legg

I’m a Holistic Lifestylist specializing in Women’s Wellness as well as a Postpartum & Bereavement Doula helping mothers and fathers create their village through harmonious whole health and healing amidst the busyness of parenthood. Serving women, mothers and families worldwide, I am dedicated to providing the utmost tender love and nurturing care via doula support and holistic nutrition.


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