An Open Letter to The Mama Who Feels Like She’s Falling Apart

Hey Mama,

I know right now feels hard.

I know it feels like it will never end.

I know it feels like the weight of the world is resting on your shoulders.

The dishes piling up in the sink,

The mountain of laundry,

The endless bills,

The rushing to sports practices and doctors appointments,

The half eaten meals and not even a chance to eat for yourself,

The five million directions you're being pulled in at the same time while having to put your own wants and needs to the back burner (again),

The pressures to exist a certain way,

The moments missed with the kids and with friends,

The longing for a quiet date night,

The over-exhausted need for a solid night's sleep,

I know it feels hard right now.

I need you to know that you are not alone.

I need you to know that you do not fit any mold, no box can contain you and the gifts your bring into this world.

I need you to know this will not last forever.

I need you to know you are able and resilient.

I need you to know just how beautiful your spirit is.

I need you to know that it's okay for you to be selfish and fill up your cup first.

I need you to know that you are seen.

I need you to know that you are heard.

I need you to know that you are worthy.

I need you to know that you are loved.

I need you to know that you are beautiful.

Mama, I need you to know that you are enough, perfect the way you are in all that you are.

I know it feels hard right now, however it will all be okay. Know that, believe that, trust that.

I love you.



PS- I am hosting a MasterClass inside The Nurtured Well Experience called Self -Care in Motherhood. As mothers, it is crucial to fill up our cup first so then we may overflow into our family and those around us. As we take a gentle,, holistic approach to motherhood and self-care, you'll learn how to say yes to you, create boundaries and giving yourself grace to honor you. It’s happening on Monday, February 13th and you won’t want to miss this! Join us today for access to this MasterClass and your village of support!

Kailee Holbert-Legg

I’m a Holistic Lifestylist specializing in Women’s Wellness as well as a Postpartum & Bereavement Doula helping mothers and fathers create their village through harmonious whole health and healing amidst the busyness of parenthood. Serving women, mothers and families worldwide, I am dedicated to providing the utmost tender love and nurturing care via doula support and holistic nutrition.

Nurturing The Mother: A New Era


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