Welcome Home, to THE Village

There's a conversation that keeps coming up in my world. A conversation that I'm here to bring awareness to and a conversation that I'm here to hold the space in order to provide the support.

We are living in a society that has programmed us into thinking we must be independent or we are failing, we must keep to ourselves or people will think poorly of us, we must hide our struggles or we are deemed as bums.

Specifically for mothers and fathers.

For mothers, you are expected to work as though you don't have children and raise your children as though you don't need money. And if you don't have the perfect hot body, you're looked down on. There is constant shame and hate and judgment strewn around, especially towards mothers by other mothers. We have lost the sense of belonging, ourselves. So we resort to insecurity, jealousy, burn out. Many times, it is because she never received the love or encouragement she wanted and needed as a child from her parents.

For fathers, you are expected to be the sole provider for the family yet viewed as "never around" because you are constantly working to provide AND most men have been taught that emotions are bad, "men don't cry so stop crying." We have lost the sense of compassion, understanding, forgiveness. So we resort to judgment, burn out, guilt.

Collectively, we have lost this sense of community, we have lost the village.

This realization is heartbreaking when you think about it.

Because, mama, dad,

How many times have you felt so alone?

How many times have you felt so unheard?

How many times have you felt so unseen?

How many times have you felt like a disappointment?

How many times have you felt like an embarrassment?

How many times have you felt guilty for one reason or another?

I know for a fact we've all been there at one point or another in our parenting journey. Some of you may even be going through a lot of that right now.

I knew something was missing from my work. Even though I'm working with mamas with their nutrition and their self love and creating their holistic home, something was missing. Until I realized it.

Nurtured Wellness Center is now FULL CIRCLE. For the mamas, for the kiddos, AND for the dads!!

Because healing, health, positive self talk begins with you, both mother and father, to pass to your children.

Because the village that we've all so desperately been searching for is finally here!!

We all deserve to feel supported,

We all deserve to feel seen,

We all deserve to feel heard,

We all deserve to feel safe,

We all deserve to feel our absolute best!

This evolution of NWC is such an extraordinary and beautiful one, truly THE Holistic Experience. For the Family.

Our site as well as our private holistic support packages, intensives, programs and meal plans are also evolving, to include the entire family, regardless of where you are in this moment in time.

To holistically serve

Expecting parents,

New parents,

Experienced parents,

And those in parent roles,

Is truly an honor!

So welcome home to THE Village!!

A FREE Community For the Mamas - The Nurtured Well Mama

A FREE Community For the Dads - The Nurtured Well Dad

And don’t forget, you can get into The Nurtured Well Experience this week only for $27, or $54 for the VIP option! (Currently this is open for the mamas as we are working to create an Experience for the dads as well!)

Kailee Holbert-Legg

I’m a Holistic Lifestylist specializing in Women’s Wellness as well as a Postpartum & Bereavement Doula helping mothers and fathers create their village through harmonious whole health and healing amidst the busyness of parenthood. Serving women, mothers and families worldwide, I am dedicated to providing the utmost tender love and nurturing care via doula support and holistic nutrition.


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